Our weekend at Sequoyah State Park

Cooking in the popup.

Getting ready to hike.

Quiet time.

The bundle of blue sleeping bag is my youngest.

I taught him UNO, he really liked it!

My youngest woke up not feeling well so I broke out a movie on my kindle.

I really enjoy time spend in the popup!

I enjoy the simplicity, the closeness, and all around less stuff (although it does not look it in this pic)!

In other news I think I am going to just call the fact I did not complete my 30 day project this month!

I have never done that!

I am pretty sure my downfall was changing the rules half way through.

That and sick kids…

I will have to think of a new one.

What did you do over the weekend?

4 thoughts on “Our weekend at Sequoyah State Park”

  1. That looks like soooooo much fun. Seriously. But how would we squeeze 7 of us in one of those things? 😉

    I answered your question over at my place, but wasn’t sure you’d see it. I’m at f/2.8 about 90% of the time. When I go wider, I have such a hard time nailing focus. Especially when my kids are in motion. They’re just in and out of that narrow depth of field :/ I shoot with a 50mm prime, too, so there isn’t a lot of wiggle room… I’m usually shooting fairly close to them.

    Glad you had such a relaxing family time. Sorry to hear you’ve had sickness this month. Winter is yucky.

    1. You could do it! The eating area is a bed also. My parents did it somehow for a family vacation with 7 of us. We were not allowed to hang out in there at all though! Just sleep! LOL. I shoot with a 50 about 90% of the time and love it but I do dream of the room a 35mm would give me! I am a 1.8 lover though. I have to remind myself to get off it once in a while. My boys are movers also, I do miss shots sometimes due to focus. Thanks for stopping by!

    1. I am a little embarrassed to admit I brought the all 🙂 my 50mm 1.4, 11-16mm 2.8, 70-200mm 2.8. I use the 70-200 for wildlife, the wide for landscape and inside the popup, the 50 for low light shots. I am pretty high maintenance when it comes to my gear…

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