A garden teepee.

I saw the idea on SouleMama’s blog.

Her blog is so beautiful you can’t help but find something inspiring there.

She made teepee’s in her garden for some of her climbing plants to grow up on but also so her children could play in them.

I loved the whimsy and I really wanted to do something similar for my garden.

She used branches but I did not really have any I could use so I bought these bamboo poles at Walmart for less then a dollar a piece.

I bought the twine at a farm store but I think Walmart carries it also.

I held the four poles together and just wrapped the twine all around the top.

Then I started at the bottom of a pole tying the twine to one, then wrapping it around and zig zagging my way to the top.

I left two sides open because I was worried about blocking this path for my dog.

It is right next to my vegetable and herb garden and I was worried she might choose to walk through that instead!

My Morning Glories are already climbing it!

I get to see this everytime I look out my kitchen window and it always makes me smile.

Do you have anything that makes you smile in your garden right now?

Something fun or maybe even silly?

You should!

My Pervoskia has just started blooming also!

So much to smile about in my garden right now.

Hope you find many things to delight in today!

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